Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment where patients breathe pure oxygen cylinder sizes and capacities in a pressurized chamber. It increases the body’s oxygen levels, helping speed up healing and recovery. Hyperbaric therapy helps treat various medical conditions, including dementia, wounds, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, and many others. It is also a popular option for individuals looking to reverse the signs of aging and improve their overall appearance.
Pros of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
This treatment introduces extra oxygen into the body for healing and rejuvenation. It offers various benefits, such as:
1. Improves Oxygen Levels
Cells require oxygen to function properly, and when oxygen levels are too low, cells can become damaged or even die. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy boosts the amount of oxygen available to the cells, speeding up healing and allowing them to function at their full potential. As the plasma absorbs more oxygen, it encourages new tissue growth, which can help reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging.
2. Reduces Inflammation
HBOT helps reduce inflammation caused by injury or medical conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and fibromyalgia. The pressurized oxygen reduces swelling and pain, allowing individuals to regain mobility. It also addresses nerve damage, a common cause of chronic pain.
3. Improves Blood Circulation
Blood carries oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body, and when circulation is poor, the body can suffer from tissue damage, skin discoloration, and wrinkles. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps the body absorb oxygen and encourages new blood vessels to form, improving circulation.
4. Minimizes the Effects of Bacteria
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen in the body, strengthening your cells to stand a better chance when fighting harmful toxins and bacteria. Bacteria can enter the brain, bones, spinal cord, and other body areas, causing health complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, and abscesses. HBOT helps reduce these toxins by increasing oxygen levels, allowing your body to fight off infection more effectively.
5. Lowers Gas-bubble Levels
Gas bubbles can form when diving in deep waters, leading to decompression sickness. These nitrogen bubbles can block blood vessels, risking a heart attack or stroke. You may also experience gas bubbles from changing elevation, such as flying in a plane. HBOT forces the bubbles to dissolve into your bloodstream, making them easier to pass and reducing your risk of serious complications.
6. Aids in Recovery From Radiotherapy
Radiotherapy can cause damage to the body’s tissue and organs surrounding a cancerous area. Frequent radiation treatments can also limit your body’s ability to absorb oxygen, leading to further damage. HBOT helps reduce the risk of radiation-related complications by introducing extra oxygen and allowing the body to heal faster.
Cons of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
While hyperbaric treatment does not negatively affect the aging process, it can pose some manageable risks, including:
1. Temporary Nearsightedness
The increased pressure in the chamber can cause myopia or short-term nearsightedness. In rare cases, you may experience temporary blurriness or vision loss, which usually resolves after a few days. You can take breaks between sessions to allow your eyes to adjust to the pressure.
2. Oxygen Toxicity
When your lungs get too much oxygen, you can experience shortness of breath, dizziness, and coughing. Oxygen toxicity takes a few hours to resolve, so taking breaks can help reduce your risk of experiencing these symptoms. Your doctor will monitor your oxygen levels throughout the session to prevent this rare side effect.
3. Sinus Congestion
Your nasal passage can become congested due to the increased pressure of HBOT, leading to sinus pressure. You may also experience ringing in your ears, but this usually resolves within a few minutes after exiting the chamber.
4. Claustrophobia
The chamber used for HBOT can be slightly small and cramped, which may cause some individuals to experience claustrophobia. They may suffer anxiety or panic attacks when in the chamber, but a doctor or therapist can provide ways to reduce these feelings. Your physician may provide mild sedatives to help you relax during the session.
5. Increase in Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure can spike during the session due to the significant cardiorespiratory changes in the body. The increased oxygen saturation can cause an increase in your cardio workload and heart rate, leading to a temporary rise in blood pressure. Monitor your blood pressure regularly during treatment to prevent long-term damage.
Try Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Today
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy offers many benefits, including improved oxygen levels in the body’s tissues and blood circulation. It’s a safe and effective option for treating various medical conditions and slowing the effects of aging. It can also pose minor risks, but an HBOT professional can help manage and minimize the chances of those risks occurring.