After a long, tedious process of getting your card and designing it, the main and important part is to hand it over. The main goal is to get your business card as much as possible. There are countless ways by which you can try handing over your card, making more connections, and turning them into your customers. After long research, these are some proven ways by which you can keep these cards and reach more people. For knowing each and every part, stick through the end. Without blabbering further, let’s take a look at the topic.
1. Start with what’s in your boundary
Start handing over the card to your friends, family members, relatives, or anyone interested. Start with what’s in your boundary and where you have your authority. Offer the cards to anyone you know and see if they eagerly accept them. If they are, you no longer need to hesitate and just hand over the card to them. You can even start distributing the cards to some local shop vendors. While building your card using a card maker, make sure it is an nfc business card that will enable you to connect with people quickly and without contact as the card will be digital.
2. Carry them wherever you go
Do not leave your cards falling or scattering around the house. Take your cards wherever you go cause you don’t Know when you’ll meet someone who is worthy of your card. You might encounter someone who will bring you business, so you need to carry your card around. This will certainly give you the form of confidence you need in case you want to hand over your business card. Most people back off and refrain from handing over the card to people, but don’t make this mistake.
3. Card drop
This might sound crazy to you, but this works like magic. This is also a proven way by which you can attract that attention to your card and get them to glance at it. Drop your card there and let people snoop in to see what’s in there. If you live in a suburban area, then it’s no big deal for you to leave your card on the bus or subway. Get over a bus or a subway and leave that card on your seat. This will surely attract people’s attention. The right one might pick up a card and put it to use.
4. Hand it over with the product
No matter what your business is, hand over your business card with the product you are shipping or discharging. This is an easy way out. Also, mention them to hand over the card to people looking for a similar service. This is an easy and quick way to actually share your card with a broader audience. Suppose you own a small Jewelry business, and in that case, just add your card to the parcel box while you ship.
5. Pen print is the best thing
As you know, a business’ card’ doesn’t mean it has to be a card; in that case, it can also be a pen. Print your QR and the name of the business in a pen, and in a short keyword, describe what business you have; you can also add doodles or a better show. Drop this pen in public places, or you can even collaborate with any departmental store and ask them to use the pen as a gift to the customers, which will again drive you more people if they are interested in what you do.
6. Airport swap
People often search for things to read at the airport; in that case, you can snoop your business card inside a magazine or even leave it for people to check. This is a great way to engage more people to take a look at your business card. People won’t even have to carry it; they’ll scan it to look into further details.
Final Thoughts
These are some of the ways that you can apply to get your card or bring your card to people’s attention. Hopefully, this article was relevant and informative. Drop down your valuable thoughts below.