In the rift, Lux League of Legends is one of the few mage heroes gifted with versatility. This mage can perform effectively in the mid lane and in the bottom lane as a support, with a decent percentage of win rate every game, thanks to Lol Lux’s ability kit and easy-to-perform in-game mechanics. This champion also caters to fresh league players, making it an ideal pick to climb to a higher division faster.
If you’re a Lux LoL main or you’re planning to use her to grind, this article will give you some tips and tricks to maximize Lol Lux and her kit. Make sure you have LoL Lux skins for your Lux by getting some LOL RP at U7Buy.
Lux Gameplay
At the start of the Lux League of Legends, try to focus on CS and poking your opponent by getting your third skill first. It’s important to keep your distance while attacking your enemy and push your enemy back to have a gap in exp and gold. Always remember to utilize your passive to add damage to your enemy of Lux LoL by hitting them with your basic attack.
As a mid-laner, you can gank in any lane, but you have to be careful when roaming alone since League of Legends Lux lacks mobility and could easily be eliminated by assassins. You must also be careful not to push too much, as you have no skill dash to escape when being cornered by your enemies.
Using Combos
When reaching level 6, a solo kill will become easy for Lux League of Legends. By using combos against enemy targets, you will likely eliminate them. The skills to use accordingly, consisting of the combo, are as follows: Q, E, and R.
When clashing against enemies, good positioning is fundamental to LoL Lux’s effectiveness. Refrain from acting like a tank; instead, use your distance and spam your skills to help your teammates.
Lol Lux’s Q is important for CC as well as her W for barriers, making her a great damage dealer while acting as a support.
Moreover, using your E of Lux LoL will give you vision in the aimed area; thus, you don’t have to blindly check the bush and potentially fall victim to an ambush. As for your ultimate, it has an infinite range, so you may use it to kill enemies far away, steal buffs, and even obtain objectives.
When taking the midlane, its ideal for Lux to equip ignite for securing a kill and flash for chasing and escaping. Ignite also complements Lol Lux’s combo and ensures that they will respawn in the next few seconds. However, when taking the bottom lane, you may replace ignite with heal.
When choosing a first build of Lux League of Legends, it’s important to choose an item that gives you AP damage and extends your mana pool. Thus, for Lol Lux Build, consider buying Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike, Luden’s Companion, Rabbadon’s Hat for greater AP damage, Stormsurge, and Morellonomicon for AP penetration.
Nevertheless, some players use mixed AP and tank Lol Lux Build when used as support to increase her survivability.
As for runes, you may choose either Electrocute or Arcane Comet as the keystones for additional damage. Seconded by the Manaflow band for additional mana, ultimate hunter, cheapshot, and adaptive force for the final touch.
Now you know how to use League of Legends Lux. She’s easy to learn and can be very effective, especially in low elos where opponents aren’t masterful in dodging skill shots. So start practicing and serve the light with this new hero in your arsenal.
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