Test automation has a massive influence on the modern application development and testing process. This is because considering the complex infrastructure of modern apps, it is almost impossible to execute all the test cases with the help of a manual testing team. In the context of test automation, Selenium is one of the most popular names. This is because, over a decade, it has simplified the process of executing automation testing on web-based applications. Python is a popular programming language that application developers use to create automation test cases for their web apps. There are also other practices like the integration of agile methodologies to improve the efficiency of the test cases. Using this process, it is possible to execute the development and testing steps simultaneously.
This article will explore the process of executing Selenium Python testing. We will also guide the new testers and developers through the process of setting up the test bench for executing these test cases. Finally, we will complete our discussion with some tips, best practices, and tools that can benefit the testing infrastructure.
Selenium and its Influence Over Test Automation
Selenium is an open-source umbrella project for initiating automation testing on web applications. The open-source infrastructure of Selenium consists of several tools that assist the developers at different stages of the application testing process. While defining automation testing, we can say that it is the process of eliminating human involvement in the test case execution process. For this process, the system utilizes a series of predetermined parameters that allow it to emulate various forms of user interactions. However, the developers and testers can make the necessary changes based on the requirements of the application development process.
The core infrastructure of Selenium works on the JavaScript programming language which means that app developers do not have to go through a lengthy learning curve. The following tools in the Selenium test suit will assist the developers during the test case execution process:
- For running all the Selenium Python test cases in a codeless testing environment, the app testers have to use the Selenium integrated development environment. This tool will analyze the user interactions and generate the automation test cases in real-time. These test scripts are highly accurate as they are based on real user interactions.
- Based on the requirements of the app project, the developers might need to manually create the automation test cases. In such instances, they can utilize the Selenium client API. This tool aims to simplify the process of creating automation test cases in any of your favorite programming languages like Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and many others. This tool also helps to simplify the process of importing the automation test cases in the native environment of Selenium.
- After the developers have created their test scripts, they can execute them in their preferred operating system or browser combination using the Selenium WebDriver. This tool can also run the test cases in the native environment of any browser. The most important advantage of this tool is that it can conduct all the test cases without the involvement of any dedicated test engine.
- While working with thousands of different test cases, app testers can utilize the Selenium Grid to improve test efficiency. This grid will help the execution of multiple test configurations consisting of different machines and parameters at the same time.
To properly understand the role of test automation in the modern app testing and development process, we can consider the following points:
- Using test automation, it is possible to conduct the complete testing cycle consisting of thousands of different testing instances within a few days.
- Test automation also helps to eliminate errors that can arise due to the involvement of humans in the test execution process. Moreover, it can run the test cases 24 hours round the clock which is beyond human capabilities.
- Automation testing helps to improve the quality of the app testing cycle with the integration of Agile methodologies, parallel test execution, and live activity logs.
- To properly analyze the importance of test automation, developers must consider it as a long-term investment. This practice will help to save the company time and resources by eliminating the human test bench.
The Python Programming Language
In the modern market, Python is a very popular programming language. Testers use this language for developing software, website data analysis, data visualization, and task automation. While using the language, testers do not have to undergo a learning curve. This is also the reason why Python is the top choice for the non-technical members of an app-developing company.
By integrating Python, the developers can boost the test cases in the following ways:
- Python helps improve earning potential as it is the second highest-paid computer language in the world.
- The code infrastructure of Python is very easy to learn and implement compared to other programming languages.
- It is highly flexible and provides adequate support through sample test cases and official documentation.
LambdaTest and its Role over Selenium Python Testing
LambdaTest is a platform to conduct AI-based test orchestration and execution. Using LambdaTest, the app testers can run the Selenium Python test cases on 3000+ different web browsers and real devices using the remote servers. LambdaTest is also useful for using the Selenium Python test cases to verify the proper functioning of locally hosted web pages.
Using the LambdaTest real device testing cloud, the app developers can enhance the Selenium Python test cases in the following ways:
- This platform can run the Selenium testing test cases on thousands of devices at the same time including the legacy devices and older versions of browsers. So, the app developers can also provide application compatibility to users who do not update their hardware or software.
- LambdaTest maintains a real-time activity log to keep track of all the active, passed, and even failed test cases. This data is also useful when the app developers are working on the debugging process and need a reference to the earlier known errors in the core infrastructure of the app.
- LambdaTest also generates a highly intuitive and easy-to-understand test report. It consists of several videos, screenshots, and test activity logs. So, the app developers can easily highlight the faulty element in the application for the debugging process.
- Finally, it has a very elaborate support system consisting of live chat, over-the-phone support, and even mailing features. So the app developers can use these options to gain adequate information about all the features and tools available with this platform. LamdaTest also has a community of tech enthusiasts who can discuss among themselves matters related to application development and testing.
Getting Started with Selenium Python Testing
With the integration of LambdaTest, the application developers can easily execute the Selenium Python test cases by following a series of simple steps. So, we have listed all the steps below in the intended order:
1. Setting up the LambdaTest Account
- Firstly, the app developers have to navigate to the official website of LambdaTest, follow the on-screen instructions, and create their LambdaTest account.
2. Obtaining the LambdaTest Credentials
- After logging in to the LambdaTest account, the app testers have to purchase a LambdaTest license to obtain the authentication credentials. These will include the username and access key which can be found in the LambdaTest dashboard under the automation section.
3. Installing and Setting up Python
- Now, it is time for the app developers to download Python from the official website. After downloading, the app developers have to perform the installation process.
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
4. Setting Up Selenium
- Next, the application developers have to install Selenium as a Python package which will provide bindings to the Selenium WebDriver. The possible ways of performing the installation process include Python package manager, using pip, or running the following command in the terminal window of the command prompt:
pip install selenium
export PYTHONWARNINGS=”ignore:Unverified HTTPS request” //Disable SSL warning
5. Creating the Selenium Python Test Case
- Now, it is finally time for the app developers to create their Python test script which will consist of the Selenium test cases. The Selenium WebDriver will allow the developers to interact with web browsers. The following test command will help to perform all the configuration processes including setting up the testing capabilities:
import unittest
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
class LTAutomate(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
gridUrl = “hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub”
desired_cap = {
‘platform’ : “win10”,
‘browserName’ : “chrome”,
‘version’ : “67.0”,
# Resolution of machine
“resolution”: “1024×768”,
“name”: “LambdaTest python google sample test “,
“build”: “LambdaTest python google sample build”,
“network”: True,
“video”: True,
“visual”: True,
“console”: True,
# URL: https://{username}:{accessToken}@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub
url = “https://”+username+”:”+accessToken+”@”+gridUrl
print(“Initiating remote driver on platform: “+desired_cap[“platform”]+” browser: “+desired_cap[“browserName”]+” version: “+desired_cap[“version”])
self.driver = webdriver.Remote(
command_executor= url
def test_search_in_google(self):
driver = self.driver
print(“Driver initiated successfully. Navigate url”)
print(“Searching lambdatest on google.com “)
elem = driver.find_element_by_name(“q”)
print(“Printing title of current page :”+driver.title)
print(“Requesting to mark test : pass”)
def tearDown(self):
if __name__ == “__main__”:
6. Executing the Test Case
- The final step in this process is to execute the test cases. However, before this process, the app developers must remember to save the automation test script with the “.py” extension. The following command will allow the developers to initiate the test cases using the LambdaTest API:
python google-search-lambdatest.py
Now that we have mentioned all the general steps for this process, we would strongly advise the app developers to go through the official documentation of Selenium, LambdaTest, and Python. This is because they can find additional features and methods that can be useful according to the requirements of their app development. These websites will also provide information about some of the common errors that can arise during Selenium Python test cases and also the recommended solutions for these errors.
The Final Verdict
Through this article, we aimed to guide the new testers while performing their first Selenium Python test cases. We also emphasized the importance of test automation in the modern application development life cycle. In this regard, we would emphasize the fact that the app developer should constantly gain adequate information regarding the revolutionary trends and innovations in this segment. It is also important to gain enough information about the requirements of the target audience so that the developers can customize their app accordingly. By properly deploying all of these factors, the developers and testers will improve the quality of the application which will help to create a positive image for the brand.